Guide Positions
Positions Filled for 2025!
Become a guide in Ketchikan Alaska! Our Season starts May 1st and ends September 30th. Guides are expected to work hours in the Fly Shop and assist on the docks with aircraft. Company housing is available but fills up fast.
Basic First Aid Certification
Alaska Guide License (get Here)
Valid Drivers License
Must Know how to fly fish (like actually know, not casted a few times, or went on a guided trip on the Colorado River one time)
Must know how to tie flies
Great people skills (you must talk to the clients)

Fly Shop Employees/Juniour Guides
Here at Family Air and The Hook Up Fly Shop we all do a little bit of everything. Shop Staff are the people who keep everything going, from answering the phones, to fueling aircraft, to outfitting clients for trips. Things can get pretty hectic here and if you have trouble working in a fast paced environment this is not the job for you. We have housing available across from the shop if planning on coming up from the lower 48. If you want to get into guiding this is a great place to start
Hourly Pay - $20.00-$23.00
Company Housing in town is available
One free Charter per Summer!
Discounts in the Shop and on additional charters
Customer Service Skills
Valid Drivers License
A cool head under pressure
Must be dog friendly
An understanding of sarcasm and how to properly respond to it